Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Fires of Africa

Every winter, all of the old grasses are burned. It does two things, it kills all the bugs that are living in the weeds and it allows the new tender vegetation to grow faster and be more healthy. While the burning is going on though, it seems like all of Africa is on fire. All the smoke makes for some spectatular sunsets.

Is this what you woud call the "mass transit" system for South Africa?
We went to visit some friends in Swaziland a few weeks ago, as we were driving down the highway, we saw this cool hair salon. I figured Emily would be most interested, and this is a very nice one. I'll post some pictures of the "regular" salons a bit later. Then as we drove on, we saw these guys taking a cow to market. It's all tied down tight so it can't jump out, I guess it knows what's in store, wouldn't a nice hamburger taste good right now?
